Souper Videos- Edinburgh
We asked the twittersphere and they tweeted!
Social media is reasonably new to us in terms of twitter and facebook (weve always had our products out there but not engaged ourselves!). Over the past few months we have really enjoyed how it has opened the world up to us- not just for business and marketing but for fun, information and food!
Back in July we wanted to find somewhere new, exciting (and filling) for our crew (and client) lunch when we were out and about filming in Edinburgh. It was no easy ask (see article here) but we were inundated with suggestions and ideas, albeit with a little scepticism on our "food and drink for a fiver" aspirations.
Well, we did it and we found a fabulous place that was up to the task! Union of Genius does super soup in Edinburgh. We wanted to show you who they are and what they do. So, here it is- Union of Genius, Edinburgh. Give it a try.